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Reflection Speech - Reid: Creating with Emaze!


1.) Create a free account with Emaze at - Choose a password that  is easy to remember like your Morton network password or your ID number!

2.) Click on "Continue with a Free Account" 

3.) Click on +Create a New Presentation

4.) Choose a theme

5.) When you first start, Emaze will zoom in on an area of the presentation and then you can start editing by clicking on the text or pictures that you want to change.

6.) To add a section, you must click on 

7.) You must Save your Emaze by clicking on Save.

8.) You can add pics, videos, shapes, or charts. Note: You can replace a picture by clicking on the corner of a pic that's already there, or by clicking on the tool bar at the top. 

9.) Click on Play to watch your presentation.

10.) Share your presentation by clicking on Share when in Play mode.

Emaze Video