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Sacajawea - Guide for the Lewis and Clark Expedition

Primary Sources

ABC CLIO American History lets you search through time periods in history for specific topics. When looking for primary sources, go to the Documents section under Topics


You may also use ABC CLIO American History to find all kinds of SECONDARY sources on your topic!!!!

Student Resources in Context lists the different kinds of sources available for a topic. Click on Primary Sources from the list.

You may also use Student Resources in Context to find all kinds of SECONDARY sources on your topic!!!!

Use the Library of Congress American History Page to find TONS of awesome primary sources such as maps, images, and documents!


Use these sources to find Biographical Information about the person you are researching:

Infoplease is an online encyclopedia- you can use it to search for people AND events.

Secondary Sources

ABC CLIO American History  - Search for your topic under Topics or use the Search box 


Student Resources in Context - Search through the list of topics or use the search box to find info on your topic.


Proquest contains Magazines, Newspapers, and Journal Articles. 

There are SO many great articles in Proquest, so you might have to narrow your search. Use the subject headings, Proquest suggests or use the Search Within link.