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English (Giannopoulos) - Latin American Tribes: Home

Inca Civilization

Incas - a group of South American Indians who ruled a large empire in Peru and other parts of South America before the Spanish conquest in the 1500’s. The Incas were highly civilized.
Websites - Incas
1.  The Incas

Mayan Civilization

Maya - a member of a Mesoamerican Indian people inhabiting southeast Mexico, Guatemala, and Belize, whose civilization reached its height around ad 300-900.
Databases - Maya

Websites - Maya

Aztec Civilization

Aztecs - a member of the American Indian people dominant in Mexico before the Spanish conquest of the 16th century.
Databases - Aztecs
Websites - Aztecs

Taino Civilization

Taíno - an Arawak people who were the indigenous people of the Caribbean and Florida. 
Databases - Tainos
Websites - Taino

Arawak Civilization

Arawak - a group of indigenous peoples of South America and historically of the Caribbean.
Websites - Arawak

Yanomani Civilization

Yanomami - the largest relatively isolated tribe in South America. They live in the rainforests and mountains of northern Brazil and southern Venezuela.
Websites - Yanomami
2.  Yanomami Tribe - 1