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Research Center--Morton West Databases and Resources


The general reference databases below are useful to collect information about a range of topics for your school and/or personal academic pursuits. These tools are terrific for identifying important people, ideas, and places linked to your topic of study. Further, these resources will present important vocabulary connected to your research topic. 


General information on a range of topics. 


For More EBSCO Databases, click here. 


Encyclopedia articles offering reference articles and videos. 


Encyclopedia articles offering reference articles and videos (in Spanish).


Current Events - News


*unlimited access available while on campus 

*Username and Password Required - see username/password guide


English Language Arts

Use the following literary databases to find novels, short stories, poetry, literary analysis, and information on authors. 


Access to literary analysis and author information


Find book recommendations and read-a-likes


Find book recommendations and read-a-likes (includes adult titles)


Access Book Reviews

Social Studies and Government

Use the following literary databases to explore different historical topics. Access primary and secondary sources, historians' perspectives, maps, interactive activities, and more. 


American Government


American History


World at War


Ancient and Medieval History

Modern World History



World Geography


United States Geography

Issues, Controversies, and Debates

Learn new perspectives and find information about a range of topics. Helpful videos, infographics, and videos are includes in the resources below:





Science, Health, and Wellness

Investigate a range of science and health-related topics. Access to journals, articles, websites, and reputable scholarly sources. 


Find resources connected to physical and mental health here


Image result for teen health and wellness

Teen Health and Wellness



Discovery Education

Use Discovery Education to find videos about a range of curricular topics. Use for research and fun! 

Teachers should create their own account using the school code sent out via email by Mr. Glazik. 

Students, please see the password in the "password document" on the left side of the screen.

Flipster: Digital Magazines

Access and read these magazine on your computer, phone, or tablet:

To access on your computer click here. Enter the username and password for our school account. 

To access on your phone or tablet:

1) Download the Flipster Magazine App

2) Enter Morton West High School

3) Enter the school's username and password.