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Discovery Education

High-quality academic videos and digital content.
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Teen Health & Wellness

Teenage health and wellness information.

Research Tools - NoodleTools

Noodle Tools

Student research platform with MLA, APA and Chicago/Turabian bibliographies, notecards, outlining.

Books & Reading


NoveList Plus


Looking for a good book to read?! Comprehensive readers' advisory resource for fiction and nonfiction.

Comprehensive readers' advisory and instructional resources for fiction and nonfiction including author interviews, book video trailers, etc.  (staff can log in with personal account information)

Database Usernames & Passwords

Are you working IN school on your Morton-issued laptop?

  • You will connect automatically to the databases. You will not need a special username and password to log in to the databases.

Are you working OUTSIDE of the school building?

  • School-issued laptop: If you are logged into your school laptop, you should connect automatically to the databases. If not, enter the remote access username and password.
  • Non-Morton personal device: You will need to enter a remote username and password for each database.

Click HERE for remote passwords

Encyclopedias and General Reference

Product - Products -


Gale In Context High Schoo
An online database providing cross-curricular content that includes articles, videos, images, and primary sources.

World Book Online   all World Book databases
Leveled general encyclopedia plus web resources 
Advanced, Student, Discover, and Kids.

                            SIRS Discoverer   ProQuest 
General reference database plus pro/con social issues from relevant, credible sources.

World Book - Timelines
Historical timelines plus a timeline creator.

World Book - eBooks
Digital library includes highly illustrated, engaging titles.

History and Culture

                            World History: Ancient & Medieval Eras 
Explores explores ancient civilizations, dynasties, and empires prehistory through to the beginning of the Renaissance.
World History: The Modern Era  ABC-CLIO
Explores the history of the world from 1500 to the present and the evolution of modern Europe since the Renaissance.

Daily Life Through History   ABC-CLIO
Explores ordinary life through time and across the globe: religion, housing, social customs, clothing, celebrations, etc.

The Latino American Experience   ABC-CLIO
Explores the heritage and culture of Mexicans, Puerto Ricans, Guatemalans, Cubans, Dominicans, Colombians, Ecuadorians, and other Latino peoples in the United States.

Spanish Language

Enciclopedia Estudiantil Hallazgos
World Book Online

Beginner’s Spanish-language general reference encyclopedia, reference tools, and web resources. 

Banco de Contenidos aulaPlaneta 
World Book Online

Spanish-language database designed for native Spanish speakers, and bilingual / ELL students.

Social Issues

Exploring Issues  

Reference Point Digital

Analysis of timely, complex, and controversial issues; includes statistics and infographics.

SIRS Discoverer


General reference database plus pro/con social issues from relevant, credible sources.

General Resource - Easier Content

Great background information on histroy and science topics.

See Librarian for login.


Core Concepts Biology 

Media-rich online science resource including animals, cells, ecology, evolution, genetics, the human body, microbes, plants, and reproduction.




Over 4500 maps, videos, animations, news, reference.

e-Book Resources

Gale Virtual
Reference Library


A variety of unlimited-access e-book research resources.