High-quality academic videos and digital content. |
Teen Health & Wellness |
Student research platform with MLA, APA and Chicago/Turabian bibliographies, notecards, outlining. |
Looking for a good book to read?! Comprehensive readers' advisory resource for fiction and nonfiction. |
Comprehensive readers' advisory and instructional resources for fiction and nonfiction including author interviews, book video trailers, etc. (staff can log in with personal account information) |
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Gale In Context High School World Book Online all World Book databases |
SIRS Discoverer ProQuest General reference database plus pro/con social issues from relevant, credible sources. |
World Book - Timelines |
World Book - eBooks Digital library includes highly illustrated, engaging titles. |
World History: Ancient & Medieval Eras ABC-CLIO Explores explores ancient civilizations, dynasties, and empires prehistory through to the beginning of the Renaissance. |
World History: The Modern Era ABC-CLIO Explores the history of the world from 1500 to the present and the evolution of modern Europe since the Renaissance. |
Daily Life Through History ABC-CLIO |
The Latino American Experience ABC-CLIO Explores the heritage and culture of Mexicans, Puerto Ricans, Guatemalans, Cubans, Dominicans, Colombians, Ecuadorians, and other Latino peoples in the United States. |
Enciclopedia Estudiantil Hallazgos Beginner’s Spanish-language general reference encyclopedia, reference tools, and web resources.
Banco de Contenidos aulaPlaneta Spanish-language database designed for native Spanish speakers, and bilingual / ELL students. |
Reference Point Digital Analysis of timely, complex, and controversial issues; includes statistics and infographics. |
ProQuest General reference database plus pro/con social issues from relevant, credible sources. |
Core Concepts Biology Media-rich online science resource including animals, cells, ecology, evolution, genetics, the human body, microbes, plants, and reproduction. |
Over 4500 maps, videos, animations, news, reference. |
A variety of unlimited-access e-book research resources. |