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Education Research Project - Frankfother: Podcast

Helpful Tips for using Garageband

GarageBand is a MAC app, so you must use the Macs in the Library.

You can work during class time, but you may also need to come in before or after school and/or during your Lunch/Supervision to work on your project.

Write a script BEFORE you start recording your voice and practice it!!!!

After you finish your podcast, you can export it as an MP3 file.

Creating a Podcast with GarageBand

Adding Photos to Your Podcast

Helpful Tips - Podomatic

Podomatic is used for uploading your podcast.

You should record your podcast using a program like Quicktime on the Mac and then uploading it to Quicktime. 

You may add an image.


This American Life - Sample Podcast

NPR Podcast Library - Choose a podcast to listen to and see what it's all about!