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Health (Shari Hayden) - Teen Issues -August 2020: Home

1 - Dealing with Bullies

2 - Overcoming Drug Addiction

3 - Managing Your Anger

4 - Dealing with Stress

5 - How to Quit Smoking

6 - Avoiding Teen Pregnancy

7 - How to Have Positive Self-Esteem

8 - Staying Out of Gangs

9 - Dealing with Peer Pressure

10 - How to Succeed in School; How to Improve Your Grades

11 - Overcoming Alcoholism

"The Code" Teen Self-Help Project

12 - Battling Depression

13 - Dealing with your Parent's Divorce

14 - How to Stay in Shape

15 - How to Get Organized

16 - Avoiding Sexually Transmitted Diseases

18 - Dealing with the Death of a Loved One

19 - How to Get into College

20 - Dealing with an Abusive Relationship; Deciding to Stay/Leave a Relationship

21 - How Teens Can Make Money

22 - Using the Internet Safely

23 - Dealing with Suicidal Thoughts

24 - How to Eat Healthy for Life

25 - Accepting Your Sexual Identity

26 - Dealing with an Eating Disorder

27 - Surviving a Break-up

28 - Overcoming Childhood Sexual Abuse

29 - Dealing with an Alcoholic Parent

30 - Dealing with Toxic Friendships

31 - Drop-out Prevention

32 - Having a Better Relationship with your Parents

33 - Cutting