Creating your Citation Page
1. Go into Noodle Tools and log in with your Microsoft Credentials
2. Go to Sources on the left side bar
3. Click on the Printer icon (top of the page).
4.There will be a drop down bar. Select Print/Export to WORD.
5. Open the WORD DOC. Click on ENABLE EDIT at the top of the page if you want to add an annotation to your source.
6. Make sure that your entries are in alphabetical order.
1. Start by clicking on the Circus Animal Question. Please answer the single questions survey. :)
2. Open a new tab and go to
3. Now click back on the LibGuide tab at the top of your page.
4. Click on the box titled Articles about Circus Animals. READ the LAST article called, ARTICLE: Nabisco Repackages Animal Crackers, Setting Wild Animals Free. At the base of the article, there will be a NoodleTools icon. Click on it to export your citation to NoodleTools. Make sure that you select Circus Animals on your drop-down project list.
6. Click on the NoodleTools notecard - let's complete it together.
7. Now I would like you to read the two additional articles - export the citations and complete a notecard about each of them.