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Health (Hayden) - Sociology Project
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Health (Hayden) - Sociology Project: Home
Poverty In America - an Overview (ABC-CLIO)
Current View and Outlook
Income Disparity - Inequality Theory
Global Poverty
Income Gap
National Center for Children in Poverty
The Missing Class
Adolescent Pregnancy
Teen Pregnancy: an Overview (ABC-CLIO)
Current View and Outlook
Teen Pregnancy and Poverty
Adolescent Pregnancy (Gale)
Children Having Children - TIME
Parenting: Marriage vs. Single
The Challenges of Single Parenthood
How Single or Dual Parenting Affects Early Brain Development
Marriage and Child Wellbeing
Single Parent Poverty Statistics
My Life as a Teenage Mom
My Son, the Teenage Dad
Family Issues: an Overview
Homelessness - An Overview
Homelessness: Outlook
Homeless (Gale)
Homeless Teens
National Coalition for the Homeless-Factsheets
Tolerance vs. Intolerance
Tolerance for Teens
Bullying - an Overview (ABC-CLIO)
Bullying - Outlook (ABC-CLIO)
Witnesses to Bullying
What is an Entrepreneur?
Qualities of Successful Entrepreneurs
Do you have what it takes to be a successful entrepreneur?
Most important traits for entrepreneurs
Teen Entrepreneurship
Jails and Prisons
Prisons in America - an Overview (ABC-CLIO)
Prisons in America - Outlook (ABC-CLIO)
Juvenile Justice - an Overview (ABC-CLIO)
Juvenile Justice - Outlook (ABC-CLIO)
What Happens Inside Prison
Gang Life
Gangs - an Overview (ABC-CLIO)
Gangs - Outlook (ABC-CLIO)
Traits of Gang Members
Getting out of a Gang
Understanding and Avoiding Gangs
National Gang Center
Gang Facts for Teens
Post-Secondary Education
Education and Earnings
Employment Projections
Going to Trade School
College Calculator