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Biology (Klafeta) - DNA Technology Webquest: Home

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Clip 1


Bill Nye the Science Guy is back to explain cloning to you! 

Watch about the first 16:30 of the video link to learn the basics of cloning…

Clip 2


One of the potential uses for cloning technology would be to bring back extinct animals. 

Watch the clip and decide for yourself if this is a good idea…

Clip 3

Cloning is just a first step in available technology. 
The video below is an introduction to genetic engineering
(using technology to change an organism’s DNA).  
Microbes are microorganisms - living things too small to see without a microscope - like bacteria…

Clip 4

What if we take the some more steps ahead with this technology -
for example, human genetic engineering? 
Watch the video below to find out more about using this technology on humans…

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