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Design Research Project - Moriarty: Putting It All Together

Documenting Sources

Keeping Track of Your Sources: 

1.) Create a Word Document or Google Doc where you copy and paste links to any and all websites you find - this keeps all web sources you find IN ONE PLACE!

2.) If you use the Library Databases, EMAIL YOURSELF ANY AND ALL ARTICLES!

3.) Print out your sources 

Presenting Your Information

Synthesis Putting it all together

Ask these questions:

How can I put all of the information together to present what I have learned?

1. What presentation format does my assignment require? (paper, poster, oral presentation, etc.)
    • Go back and review your assignment sheet to be sure of what is required.
    • If you have a choice of some different formats, what did you decide earlier?
    • If you have complete freedom and didn't make a decision yet,
    • look at 
Alternative Formats to Present Information.

2. What materials do I need in order to put together my presentation?

  • Bring all of your notes, images, disks, artifacts, etc., together into one place.
  • Have all of the tools you need to put it together; paper and pencil, computer disk, poster board, etc.
  • Work at a place where you can spread out and concentrate.

3. Give yourself the time you need to make a rough draft, edit it and make a final copy before the work is due.