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Contreras: Citing Sources


Exporting Your Citation from a Database

Find an article in a database such as Opposing Viewpoints in Context.

Click on the article and look for the link on the right 'Citation Tools'

Export the citation to EasyBib

The complete citation will appear in your EasyBib new project in your EasyBib Account! Magic!

EasyBib Account Setup

As a Morton East student, you already have an EasyBib account. 

  • Go to
  • Click on Login
  • Your Email or Username is your Skyward Username (For example
  • Your Password is your I.D. Number

Citing a Website

Creating a Bibliography

It is crucial that you cite any sources you use, reference, or quote in your paper to avoid plagiarism!

Citing Electronic Sources - Purdue OWL 

Citing Periodicals (newspapers, magazines, journals) - Purdue OWL

Citing Books (including Reference Books) - Purdue OWL

In-text citations (also known as parenthetical references) - Purdue OWL