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English (Waldron) - Persuasive Essay-Oct 2016: Home

Same-Sex Marriage

Key Question:

Gay Marriage: Do people deserve the same rights regardless of sexual orientation, including the right to marry?

Should Gay Marriage Be Legal?

Israeli-Palestinian Conflict

Key Questions:

Israeli-Palestinian Conflict: Should the United States continue its steadfast alliance with Israel?

 Is a Two-State Solution (Israel and Palestine) an Acceptable Solution to the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict?

Animal Testing / Animal Rights

Key Questions:

Animal Testing: Is animal testing morally justified?

Should Animals Be Used for Scientific or Commercial Testing?

Sports Issues

Key Questions:

High School Sports Injuries: Do the benefits of high school sports programs outweigh the physical risks?

Gang Violence


Marijuana Legalization

Key Questions:

Marijuana: Should the United States legalize marijuana?

Should Marijuana Be a Medical Option?



Key Questions:  

Abortion: To what extent should women be allowed access to abortion in the United States?

Should Abortion Be Legal?

Impact of Cell Phones

Key Questions:

Cellular Telephones: Have cellular telephones had a positive influence on modern society?

Are Cell Phones Safe?

Drug Abuse


Key Question:

Should the Drinking Age Be Lowered from 21 to a Younger Age?

Videogames / Violence & the Media

Key Question:

Should the government pass laws restricting children's access to violent video games?

Do Violent Video Games Contribute to Youth Violence?