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Search Terms / Keywords

Searching Tips:
  • When looking for a particular phrase, such as Renaissance Art, surround the phrase with quotation marks (“Renaissance Art”) so that your results will include this entire phrase, rather than just “Renaissance” or “Art.”
  • You can narrow down your search even further by using the word “AND.”  If I want to research architecture during the Renaissance, I can search “Renaissance” AND “architecture” to get more appropriate results.
  • If looking for information on a particular region during the Renaissance, use the search terms above and the name of the region (for example: “Renaissance” AND “Italy”)


Use the following search terms / keywords to locate informaton in the FC databases and online websites:
Renaissance Leonardo da Vinci Black Death
Renaissance Art Michelangelo Raphael
Renaissance Architecutre Johann Gutenberg Printing Press
Renaissance and Gender William Shakespeare Sir Thomas More
Renaissance and Daily Life Scientific Revolution Enlightenment
Italian Renaissance Protestant Reformation Humanism


(adapted from the Greenwood Public Library)

The Renaissance

The Last Supper (1494-1498) by Leonardo da Vinci

Renaissance - General Information - Online Resources

The Renaissance - General Information:
From the Annenberg Foundation (a non-profit educational foundation), this website is an excellent introduction to how the Renaissance began.

The British Library - Key features of Renaissance culture
From the Museo Galileo in Florence, Italy. This is a museum website exhibition including 3D simulations of da Vinci's mechanical devices. Browse through his works of art, manuscripts, and find biographical information.
"Without having seen the Sistine Chapel one can form no appreciable idea of what one man is capable of achieving."  -- Johann Wolfgang Goethe in 1787 in Rome
From the PBS series "Medici: Godfathers of the Renaissance" this site is filled with art links and additional resources.
An exhibition from the US National Library of Medicine. Although Harry Potter is a work of fiction, the science, medicine, and magic are partially based on         Renaissance traditions of alchemy, astrology, and philosophy.

The Black Death

 The Black Death:
            How did the Bubonic Plague make the Italian Renaissance possible?
            Did the Black Death contribute to the Renaissance?
            The Black Death: The Greatest Catastrophe Ever