Library Databases
Databases contain tons of reliable, credible information for you to search. You can access Morton Library's databases through the links below. Please note: you may be asked for a username and/or password to access a database, but that information is listed below as well!
Morton West Databases | Morton East Databases | Morton FC Databases |
Passwords | Passwords | Passwords |
Blackout Poetry
Blackout Poetry is a great way for students to express their creativity, and since they are not starting from scratch, staring at a blank page, it often feels like a safer way to write poetry. However, blackout poetry is an incredibly inventive and powerful type of creative writing!
You can create digital blackout poetry using:
These directions will show you how to create digital blackout poetry!
Or, have your students create blackout poetry by hand. This is a great way to be creative and have fun!
All you need is: